Modern Medicine and Nursing

Being one of the largest health groups in Germany, we strive day and night to improve the quality of life of our patients and residents by providing good services.  An annual 1,000,000 patients receive services in our hospitals at a total of 20 locations; thereof 280.500 inpatients or partially inpatients. This is, inter alia, achieved by interlinking the hospitals with our medical treatment centers (MVZ = AHC = Ambulatory Healthcare Center). The portfolio of medical services provided by AGAPLESION hospitals covers a wide range.

For example, AGAPLESION is one of the largest geriatrics providers in Germany.
Another focus is on cardiology, at many locations providing the complete spectrum of interventional cardiology. AGAPLESION responds to the nation-wide increase of an ageing population with an ongoing expansion of palliative care, offered on a qualified interdisciplinary basis by its facilities.

Our services

  • General and Visceral Surgery
  • Anesthesiology
  • Angiology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Diabetology
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Vascular Surgery
  • Gastroenterology
  • Geriatrics
  • Ear, nose and throat medicine (ENT)
  • Internal Medicine
  • Cardiology
  • Child and adolescent psychiatry / Psychotherapy
  • Oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Neurology
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Oncology
  • Orthopedics and Traumatology
  • Pediatrics
  • Plastic, aesthetic and hand surgery
  • Pneumology
  • Proctology
  • Psychiatry
  • Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
  • Radiology and Radiotherapy
  • Urology

Certification is an important factor in healthcare in order to document quality already achieved and to maintain its level by means of regular audits.

Therefore, the group is proud to operate a multitude of certified competence centers at various locations.

These are:

  • Obesity Center
  • Accredited Sleep Laboratory
  • Pelvic Floor Center
  • Breast Center
  • Chest Pain Unit
  • Intestinal Center
  • Endoprosthesis Center
  • Epilepsy Center

  • Vascular Center
  • Gynecologic Cancer Center
  • Hernia Center
  • Cancerous Prostate Center
  • Oncological Center
  • Stroke Unit

Medical top-notch care near your residence – that's what our Ambulatory Healthcare Centers (AHC) stand for.

 Your benefits:

  • Competent and individual medical care
  • Wide range of medical services
  • Close cooperation of specialists within the AHC
  • Close links with the hospital cooperating
  • Personal and human atmosphere
  • State-of-the-art medical and medico-technical equipment

We accompany dying persons at several locations in Germany. Not only in the sense of comprehensive care through palliative medicine, but also by means of holistic death and grief counseling. Spiritual accompaniment of the dying and their families is an essential element of our Christian profile and sponsored in all our facilities.

Other professional groups participating in the treatment process

Physical Therapy

The team of therapists in Physical Therapy represents an important professional group contributing substantially to a successful treatment.

Usually, they offer medical treatment not only for inpatients.  Being in daily contact with patients, the awareness prevailed: Preventive measures render many a hospital stay unnecessary. Among others, the following services are offered: Physiotherapy, manual therapy, heat treatment and massages.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapists work with people suffering language and speech or swallowing disorders (dysphagia) and thus experience considerable restrictions to their quality of life. For eating and drinking are not only medical necessities, but for many people of emotional significance.

The World Health Organization calls the ability of oral communication an indispensable part of everyday life. Speech therapy is to improve the ability to communicate or swallow and – if necessary – to offer possibilities to compensate.



Occupational Therapy

The term "Ergotherapy" originates from the Greek „to ergon“ = work, activity, to act, to busy oneself.  Occupational therapy is about supporting people to regain the ability to act by themselves.

A differentiated ergotherapeutical diagnosis is the basis to develop individual therapeutic objectives jointly with patients and family. For this purpose, the therapy promotes physical, mental and social skills to allow the patients to act in everyday life, participate in society and improve their quality of life. 





Nutrition and well-being are closely linked. Therefore, inter alia, individual counseling of patients and their families is being held. Especially in nutrition-related diseases, malnutrition, metabolic disorders (such as diabetes) or after surgery, a diet plan is discussed with the patient, a comprehensive nutritional anamnesis prepared and the eating behaviour of the patient's controlled and supported.


To have cancer diagnosed, raises a wide range of issues for the patient - apart from health concerns and time for treatment.  Thus it may be helpful, to get support by means of consultation.  Today, it is part of standard cancer treatment to take social and psychological stress and strains into consideration and support patients by means of psycho-oncological accompaniment. 

Case Manager

Hospital social work supports patient care after they were discharged from hospital.  The Case Manager advises about possible offers of assistance after discharge and relates information such as inpatient and outpatient support, living arrangements and, where appropriate, outpatient palliative care.